My dear friend Kim linked me to a cake by another artist that was the perfect inspiration for the wave scene. Thank you Kim! You saved my booty!

It was sturdy enough to hold the weight of the modeling chocolate. When I formed him out of the wire, I left about 5 inches of extra wire below the feet, which went down into the dummy while I made him. That extra wire later went thru the surf board and down into the wave to anchor him in place.
I then molded the modeling chocolate around the wires to form his body parts. After he was firm, I used petal dusts to give him some creepy color.
The surf board was cut from thin Styrofoam. I printed out a paper template of the board using clip art. You see the reject skeleton lying there because I used him to help determine the size of the surfboard.

Wow Sharon! That is the coolest cake! You are so clever:}
that is so cool!!!! of course YOU could pull off an awesome skeleton surfer!
Sharon…you are a GENIUS!!!This looks so COOL!!!And thanks for the tutorial !! xxx
This looks so COOL! Thanks for the step/step!
Awesome cake!
So very cool! Thanks for sharing all the tips!
The skeleton is awesome. Thanks for the detailed instrustions.
WOW! Is all I can say about your skeleton and the cake as a whole! Great job, thanks so much for your step by step instructions, great tips in there! I agree with you, making cakes for family, although is usually not profitable, it's truly stress free! Thanks again for sharing and what a wonderful job you did on this cake, too cool!!!!
Sharon, you are the master at cake decorating. I love it and can't wait to see your next creation.
Kim D
AMAZING! I STILL DON'T GET HOW YOU GOT THE RIBS SO PERFECT. Thanks for sharing. I'm watching topsy turvey dvd as we speak.
That skeleton is just genius! You never cease to amaze!
Is there anything you can't create! You are an amazing cake artist. Thank you for sharing.
Fabulous cake! Love the skeleton! Thanks for sharing the details!
You did a fantastic job, I love the surfing skeleton. You are such an artist Sharon. Thank you for sharing the details.