Did you miss me while I was gone? I sure did miss you!
I have a secret to share, but promise you won’t tell anybody? You promise? Pinky swear?
OK! So here it is……. ( I’m so excited!!)
My dear friend Rebecca Sutterby invited me to be one of her 3 assistants in the new TLC series, Ultimate Cake Off! We spent 3 days in Los Angeles, at the Discovery Studios, shooting one of eight episodes to air in the fall.
Rebecca is hands down one of the most talented sugar artists in the nation. She has won too many awards to count, including first place in a previous Food Network cake challenge, as well as the grand prize in the National Wedding Cake Competition at the Oklahoma Sugar Art Show in 2008. She has had her work published in several national magazines, including Bride’s, The Knot, and American Cake Decorating. Her skills for design and use of color are trend setting, and her work is incredibly precise and exact. She has been a huge influence and mentor on my own cake decorating path. And I am lucky enough to also call her my friend. Please visit her site to see her incredible work at Sugar Creations.
Rebecca asked three of us to assist her for this challenge. Left to right is Becky (aka Willard), me, Adele (aka Deli), and Rebecca. This shot was taken right after we arrived in LA. We all flew in and went straight to the studios to set up our kitchen.

Awesome Sharon! Can't wait to see it on TV!!
See you @ ICES!
Congrats! I can't wait to see the show! 🙂
Congratulations Sharon!! I can't wait for the show to air. I know that cake will be awesome!!
Rebecca is fabulous (as are you). I absolutely loved her cake at last years Oklahoma Sugar Show. (Can you find out how she made the torquoise jewelry for that cake??
Please, please!!)
Congratulations and see you at the ICES Convention
Whooooa Sharon! You are making the big times girl!! I am so happy for you and wish you and the team the very best of luck! Greg and I are both excited to see the show! No better pairing than you and Rebecca! Ya'lls team is predestined to win!!! BIG HUG to you!! Lea 🙂
OMG, that's so awesome, Sharon!!!! I was wondering when you were finally going to show up on one of these cake shows–it's about time, girl!!! Next time, all of those ladies should be YOUR assistants!! Can't wait to see the show! Congrats!
Always knew you were a star,**** now the rest of the world will see it!!!!
Very proud of you and the other gals. Can't wait until the show airs 😉
Congratulations Sharon can't wait to see the show. I also try to see Rebecas web page but I can't navigate her page and try to see her cakes but I can't open the thumbail to see the cakes bigger do you know why?
Sharon, I was right. You are a rock star of cakery. Can't wait to see the show!
Awesome! It was only a matter of time before you made your tv debut (unless you have before and I just haven't seen it…besides the DVDs I mean LOL)
When does the show air? I can't wait to watch… definitely TiVo it!
You rock!
Aww you guys are so flippin adorable! I can't wait to see the show!
That is soooo awesome Sharon! I can't wait to see it!
Sharon, that is so amazing! I am so excited for you!
Congratulations Sharon!!! WOW, I can't wait to see the show. I'm sure that the was absolutely beautiful.
how exciting,can't wait to see you and the cake on tv!!
oh sharon how awesome!! i cannot wait to see the show 😀
i'm so happy that you got to work with rebecca–and wow! i get to see my all time fave sugar artists together!!
i supremely wish i could attend the ices convention. it would be so cool to meet you and your family and see your booth. well, maybe someday 🙂
Awesome! Can't wait to see the show!!!
How Exciting!!! Congrats! A Louisiana-girl making it big time! I'll tell everyone to watch! I know I will!
I am so excited for you!!.. congrats!! sounds like you have a awesome team.. I will keep you all in my prayers..can't wait to see the show..
That's the greatest thing I've heard all week! Congratulations a million! I can't wait to see you on the show!!!
Woo Hoo! Sharon, I'm so excited for you and can't wait to see the show when it airs. I hope you guys won, but I'm sure the cake is amazing no matter what!
Congrats!!! Love the cake challenges! When does the show air?
Very cool! I can't wait to watch it=)
That is so exciting Sharon! I am not living in the states and therefore won't be able to watch it though :o( Do you know when the show is coming on? so my dad can dvr and record it for me.
PS. You're awesome!!
CONGRATULATIONS on making it to TV! It was just a matter of when, and not if! I cant wait to watch the show! Hope it has less drama than Food Network Challenge
Congratulations Sharon, what an honor and what a trip! I can't wait to see the show, please let us know the date and time the show will be aired, I want to make sure to watch it live or at least set my VCR.
I'm so excited for you, good luck at the ICES convention as well.
Sharon, I've been working 14 hour days and just saw your news. I am SO unbelievably excited FOR you and proud OF you!!! I have been emailing everyone I know! You deserve this so much…not only because you are the BEST cake artist anywhere, but because despite your crazy schedule, you ALWAYS take time to help everyone who asks. You truly are a gem, and I'm so grateful to be able to call you my friend — and mentor! I can only imagine what your initial response was when you were asked to join this incredible group!!! I just wonder if your hubby is still bowing down to you! 🙂 🙂 🙂 Love you, kiddo!
So this is what Courtney told me about. Congrats.