Who doesn’t love a cute little baby bootie? No, I don’t mean their butts, but those are dern cute too!
I’m talkin‘ bout those cute baby shoes you can use for toppers on your baby cakes!
Here is a step by step tutorial on how I make them using the cutter set you can find HERE:
I use gumpaste for mine, and I highly recommend the Nic Lodge recipe. But some folks do use fondant with success. Cut out 2 soles. There is no left and right foot. Cut them the thickness of the cutter itself. I let those dry one day before I proceed.

I had to prop the shoe up here to take the picture, so I could not actually show you doing it with my hands. These photos were taken many years ago before I even knew how to turn a camera on, so I apologize for the poor quality.

Give them a try. They are really fun to make. You can also get creative and modify them a little to make sneakers and Mary Janes.
Love your cakes.
You made them.
God made you,
And God don’t make junk.
So you don’t either!
Happy Bootie Making!
That is such a great idea to thin the edges and put them under. I am going to try that next time I make these. Your baby booties are so much nicer looking than mine!
Thanks for the tutorial. I bought your bootie cutters but have not used them yet. This tutorial is very helpful for when I do go to make them. Thanks!
Thank you for the photos!! I can’t wait to give it a try!!!
Thank you so much those are adorable.
Thank you! These are tooooo cute!
your baby booties are soooo cute. thanks for the tutorial!
Wow! Thanks for this! I wish I had it when I was doing my recent baby shower cake. I didn’t know they made bootie cutters, I will have to get some of those. Thanks so much for sharing it!
Thanks for a great tutorial Sharon. I had just ordered these cutters from you last month and this will be very helpful.
Thank you Sharon for this tutorial, I have the bootie cutter and like you said I am one of those who doesn’t fold the edge, but I like your idea better. I am going to give it a try. I love your DVD’s and the way you explain things. God Bless you for all your help.
Thanks Sharon I have this cutter and never used it yet , you make it so simple! Thanks for the Lagniappe!
nice tutorial. Just what I needed 🙂
Thank you so much! Your booties look so much nicer than mine.Next time I will do it in your way!
Thank you so much for the free tutorial! I can’t wait to try crafting my own booties.
Thanks Sharon for sharing the tutorial. The baby shoes are so cute and you did a very neat and smooth job on them. Love the idea of making the flap, I will have to try that…I am one of those who did it the other way. Your way would make for a smoother, crisper edge.
Thans sooo much for the tutorial. I purchased the bootie cutter over a year ago and never used it. I think I’ll give it a try!
You are an incredible artist Sharon. I absolutely adore your work. I hope I don’t miss you next time I’m in Texas! x
OOoo! Love 'em! My sil is having a baby early next year and I'm hosting the baby shower. I see a pair of booties in my future!
Thanks a ton it is a very good support, now to make baby booties is definitely simple utilizing your guidance. Thanks