And the finished product!!!

And the finished product!!!
I did not want to go away for the weekend and leave you guys on the heels of the negativity of yesterday’s post. Wendy is always telling me to work on having positive chi. Or maybe she said she likes chai tea. I am not sure. But anyway, in order to lighten my aura, and drive out the negative energy (and to calm down Janel Waters, tee hee)….I leave you with some very good news.
My first couple of attempts at a topsy turvy cake style. The fondant on the one above literally just slid down the side of the cake. I had a good 2 inches of fondant under those folds at the bottom.
Once upon a time there were 3 sisters that grew up in the city of New Orleans with their 2 older brothers and parents. They were not exactly poor, but things were very tight, as they were living on one modest accountant’s salary. Melba, the mom, knew how to make every penny stretch. She was very frugal. There were never any treats like candy, soda, chips, or cookies in the house. Those things were reserved for very special occasions.
Since vacations were out of the budget, the family would make day trips a few times a summer to a nearby state park. The kids would swim in the Bogafalaya river and play on the sandy beach. Melba would pack an ice chest and picnic basket and they would spend the day swimming, eating, and relaxing.
On one particular trip to the river, Melba really splurged and bought a bag of fresh cherries. Not a big bag, mind you. But this was still a really special treat for the kids to get such an extravagance.
So on this particular day, after lunch, the 2 youngest sisters, Sharon and Janice, decided to go for a nice long swim, anticipating their refreshing treat of cherries upon their return. They wanted to save them for the just the right moment, to enjoy them to their fullest. So after their nice swim in the river, they happily skipped back to the picnic table, excited about the luscious fruit that awaited them. But alas, to their dismay, they discovered that their older sister Barbara (aka the Cherry Hog) had eaten them all! All of them! All that was left was a bag of pits and stems.
Needless to say the 2 little sisters were disappointed….. no, devastated….. no, scarred for life! Despite years in therapy and reading many self help books, they have not been able to work through the trauma of this event. In this tragic story they did not live happily ever after. So needless to say, to this day they give Barbara grief about it any chance they can get.
PS. Remember you can click on the photos for a larger view.
But since we had such a great response to this contest, I did a random drawing from all of the entries and pulled 3 MORE WINNERS! YAY me!
Hope your weekend is starting off right. I have tons to do this weekend, and don’t know where to start. I kinda feel a hamster on a wheel. No, hamsters look too much like little possums. Scratch that analogy.
Anywho, I have gotten hundreds, no thousands, no billions (OK, a handful) of emails asking where I got the bow loop dryer I use in my Boxes and Bows DVD, and how can they get one? Well: 1) it’s not mine, and 2) you can’t get one. Bummer.
The rack I use in the DVD actually belongs to Wendy and her hubby made it for her. I don’t have a picture of it to post here, so you have to watch the DVD to see it. (Ain’t I slick?)
But , have no fear. I have found another great rack that you can actually obtain! A gal on Cake Central posted this one that her hubby made from PVC piping.
All the arms swivel to any position you want. You can use it for drying flowers, bow loops, tails and more. You can also slide fatter pipes over the arms to make more open loops. I bought one from her, used it and loved it. Worked great and holds a lot too.
JaimeAnn of Cakes by JaimeAnn and her hubby are making these and selling them. I think the price is $35 plus shipping. You can contact her for more info and to order one: CakesbyJaimeAnn@bak.rr.com
Disclaimer: SugarEd is not affiliated with JaimeAnn nor her husband in any way, nor do we get monetary benefit from the sales of these racks. I do not know JaimeAnn nor her husband. Heck, I do not know if they even really exist. They could be androids, or aliens, or Disney animatronics for all I know. So once you leave this blog, I am out of the loop.
Who doesn’t love a cute little baby bootie? No, I don’t mean their butts, but those are dern cute too!
I’m talkin‘ bout those cute baby shoes you can use for toppers on your baby cakes!
Here is a step by step tutorial on how I make them using the cutter set you can find HERE:
I use gumpaste for mine, and I highly recommend the Nic Lodge recipe. But some folks do use fondant with success. Cut out 2 soles. There is no left and right foot. Cut them the thickness of the cutter itself. I let those dry one day before I proceed.
Mascarpone cheese was a challenge to find, but my daughter-in-law, the health nut vegetarian, found it for me at the Whole Foods Market. I let the cream cheese sit out at room temperature to soften it, but I actually think it was a little too soft. Next time, I think I would not leave it out as long because when I went to spread the filling, it was a little drippy over the sides. I think it would go on better if it were a little bit firmer. When you add the vermouth, that softens it too. But the best part was that since it was sugar-free, I got to sample it as I was making it! And since I had the vermouth out anyway, I decided to make myself a little martini. What the heck, it’s Christmas Eve, right?
Chopped hazelnuts are not easy to find either. I went to three different stores before I found them at a Winn Dixie. I thought they needed to be a little bit finer, so I put them in a food processor just to chop them up a bit more.
I could not find a paper doily with a design that was open enough to use as a stencil for the powdered cocoa. So my sister, Sharon, found some snowflake coloring pages online and emailed them to me. I printed one of those and cut it out with a razor knife, and used that as the stencil.
The whole strawberries on the top of the cake are dipped in sugar-free chocolate melting wafers that my sister ordered for me from one of her suppliers.
Here’s what went into the filling:
1 tub (something like 250grams) mascarpone cheese
1/2 tub (about 100grams) light cream cheese
About 5 tablespoons Red Martini (sweet red vermouth)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 cup Splenda
About 2 cups small strawberries, cleaned and halved
First cake layer with sugar free strawberry jam on top.
Add fresh strawberry slices and repeat with each layer.
I used the sugar-free Cool Whip for the frosting.
When the cake was finally done, I was exhausted, but I was happy with the end result. I put the whole thing in the refrigerator to firm up overnight. But as I flopped down on the sofa and sipped on my dirty martini, I immediately started stressing over how I was going to transport this masterpiece the next day from my house in Kenner to my sister’s house in Mandeville – about a 50 minute trip.