Hey guys! So what did you think of our episode? Pretty fun, huh?
We had such a great time! Both of the other teams were incredibly talented and nice, and we all left the best of friends. We had a great time messing with Norm both on and off the set; he is a great sport and a really nice guy.
Here are a few more pictures I can share with you now:
Last minute shopping for supplies. I made sure we had enough snacks.
I cannot tell you guys how beautiful all 3 cakes were, each in their own right. The TV, nor photos, do any of them justice.
Lots of chocolate curls and ruffles and flowers.

Mark’s cake was simply stunning:
And Rebecca’s masterpiece:
Little lights shone out through the flowers and behind the monogram plaque. The hanging pearls, the stenciling, and flowers were just stunning.
Rebecca is so utterly talented on every level. It was my honor and pleasure to be on her team. And spending 4 days with 3 of my great friends on such an adventure will be a memory I treasure forever.
Tell me what you guys thought of the show!
WOW !!!! What stunning work.
Soo sad I am not able to see your show.
Robbed!! Norm has the art of kissing *** down to a science. His little man charm is what wins him over. That's what he has done every challenge that I have seen him in. It's like watching a blonde with big boobs prance around a group of men. For one thing, what was the blob on top of his cake that was supposed to be? A topper? And, who wants to eat coconut wedding cake. YUCK!! Too many people I know are allergic to coconut plus I don't like it. So that made him an automatic OUT!!
Anyhoo, I'll move on to ya'lls cake! It was gorgeous!!!! Any woman would have died to have a cake that beautiful cake at her reception. The flowers were perfect. Not sure what the judges were talking about! Meanies!! I loved the scroll work and the little gems. What a wonderful extra little bling!!
Ya'll did a GREAT JOB!! And I'm sure ya'll had a great time together!!
I loved the show. Your episode was the first where all teams spoke to each other. On the other episodes each team stayed to themselves. Everyone had so much fun teasing each other and Norm is just a ham. Although Norm's cake was beautiful! I truely felt Rebecca's cake should have won!! Congratulations to Rebecca and her Team!!!!!!
Sharon!!! The show was great!! Loved the cakes and how everyone teased eachother!
Your fun personality really made it fun to watch too! the camera loves you!! Sorry your teams cake did not win.. It was a Winner in my book!
(aka TheServidios from Ladycakes)
I made the hubby upgrade our cable just so I could watch you guys compete! I really liked your team's cake best. I am in complete awe of how talented every one is.
I have seen Rebecca's cakes up close in person at OSSAS, and they are simply unparalleled. Now what would really be great is if you competed at OSSAS!
Sharon, he cake was absolutely beautiful. I would have chosen the cake that you gals made. I'm glad to see that everyone had such a great time.
Wow your girls are truly talented. I was so hoping that Rebbecca's team would win. But Norm did have a beautiful cake as well. But I really think Rebbecca's should have took the cake so to speak. It was really a fun episode to watch even my husband watch with me (and that is a first!!). I look forward to watching you compete in more cake contest (I hope that is in the future for you) I think you are so talented!!
Well… you already know I think you should have won!!! Norm's cake was great, so pretty – but Rebecca's design was out of this world – if you guys hadn't lost that hour you would have SO KICKED his butt!!!
I really enjoyed this episode more than the others b/c of the interaction between the teams.
All 3 absolutely stunning cakes – just wish I could have seen them in person to oooohhhhh and ahhhhhhhh over for hours!!
you definately have to got back and compete again!!!!!
Sharon, been thinking about this all night–I was really disappointed with the results, yes Norman's cake was beautiful, except for that topper, where did that come from, looked heavy is all I can say about that. Rebecca's cake was just stunning and incorporated so many more elements than Norman's cake. Norman knows how to work the client, seen him do it on Food Network and in that regard he did do better than Rebecca, but it was obvious that she was very nervous. In addition, ya'll lost an hour of work time and still produced, in my opinion, the winning cake! Mark's cake realistically looked too much like a baby shower cake, I think one of the judges even said that.
I intently watched the show, listened to the judges comments and in my opinion, the judges leaned towards Rebecca's cake, but the client was whooed by Norman, she even made a statement to Rebecca that her design was somewhat simple-at that point I screamed at the TV and said a few things that it was good she couldn't hear, but that's what happens when you let someone judge that does not know what to look for! As usual, you cracked me up and were really producing some georgous roses, love the "redneck" spoon for petals, inventive idea!
All in all, it looked like ya'll had a wonderful time and I'm sure you learned a lot. I couldn't believe it when Rebecca said that she was self-taught, WOW, the girl has got talent! Great job, totally enjoyed watching you work! Please let Rebecca know that I think her cake was off the hook and she should have won!
Great job – sorry your team had to sit out for an hour =(. But the cake was gorgeous!
How fun it was to watch you in action! I think you guys would have taken it if you hadn't sat out for an hour. Next time!
I loved it! You totally stole the show for me, you were so funny! The cake was amazing! So what do they do with the 2 cakes that didn't win? I always wondered that..I know they don't just throw them away.
Loved the show!! It was great to see everyone have so much fun! I had the opportunity to meet Norman Davis in person and he is a genuine nice guy. I really appreciate that so many of you sugar cake people give so many learning opportunities to us newbies! Thank you! All the cakes were lovely but yours was my favorite!
So SORRY Rebecca's team didn't win!! I really think your cake was the best of the three. I think this was the best episode they have aired. It was nice to see the interaction of the teams.
I loved all three of the cakes, and I too would have had a difficult time just choosing one. I am so proud of your team the way you guys perservered even though you had to sit out twice!
Congrats to all of the teams, and I hope you are all proud of the work that you did, cause you ladies did a wonderful job!
Sharon, I watched every minute of the show, and taped it so I can watch it over and over. It was great! You all should have won!!! I thought you're cake was by far the best! Norm knew what he was doing when he made you all sit out! It looked like you all had a lot of fun, which made it fun to watch. You were so cute and funny! Great job!!
What do I think? I think you were ROBBED!!!
I also think the penalty time-outs are ridiculous. I get angry every time they interrupt the work. If they're going to give nine hours, then give nine hours.
Norm's cake was pretty, but your cake was unbelievable! Simple??? What was she thinking??? Far from it!
I wish yours had won. It really should have.
I have watched it twice already on my DVR! I am a fan of the show already and this by far was the best episode. I loved the rivalry your team and the yellow team shared. Your personality really added to the program!
I hate that you guys had to sit out for a whole hour. Rebecca, you, and all the others are just so talented. All three cakes were stunning, but my personal pick was Rebecca's design. LOVED the crystals and the drop pearls. Stunning!!!!!
WOW! I knew I'd see you on TV one day! OMG ITS SHARON!! I Love this show! It was so exciting, you were so funny and you looked fabulous. I liked your teams cake the best. The crystals and pearls made it for me, it was sooo BEAUTIFUL!! Norms cake… while it was beautiful, it was a bit too much for my taste. Yall did an awesome job! Hope to see you again soon and have some of your delicious cake! They are always the highlight of the party!
Sheryl ( Gwens Cousin )
You guys did a great job. I felt bad that you had to sit out for an hour of the competition. It was amazing how much you accomplished. Way to go!
It's a shame that Norm sat you out both times. But even though you lost an hour, the cake was still amazing!
I love watching those shows, I always learn new techniques.
Congratulations, you guys did great!
I loved your cake! Just saw Rebecca's OSSAS cake, and she used some of the same techniques. Loved the scroll work and strings of pearls!
The camera men sure loved you! What a lot of work you did on the cake details -great job!! Are you going to teach us how to do flowers now?! I hope your team and Mark's are on the show again soon!! -Kim
Loved the show and all the smack talking. The teams were great and cakes were out of the world!!!
Show was great! The cakes were so amazing. Your DVDs have been such a wonderful tool. I just completed my first Wilton course and the instructor didn't believe me when I said my only experience was watching your DVDs. She kept saying that I'd done cake decorating before. Thanks for being great at what you do!
What an exciting hour of TV! I told lots of friends and family about your episode, so you had plenty of Southerners rooting for y’all! Of course, the wrong team won, but I guess we’ll just chalk it up to the devil! I just want to know how all of you looked so “untired” at the end of 9 hours! I would have just made myself a place on the floor to sleep!
Y’alls cake was just gorgeous and HUGE! I can’t even think about what it took to get that sucker moved. The design was beautiful and all of the details were stunning! I’m glad you posted pictures, because you couldn’t see (and appreciate) the details on TV.
Please give a big “Way to Go” to all your teammates!
Wow Sharon. That was by far my favorite episode. I loved the design of the cake. I also enjoyed all the "smack" talking between you guys and Norm. (je je je)
Yesterday when I recieved your email and clicked it opened, I almost panicked and deleted it, because we had actually taped the show and hadn't had a chance to watch it. Well…we just watched it and "Wow!" Y'all were working your butts off! That cake was gorgeous! I can't imagine what it would've looked like had y'all had that other hour! BTW…I would've been pelting "Team Norm" with spitballs while I waited out that second 30 minutes! But…his cake was awesome, too. I was proud of all of y'all!
I'm sorry to be reading your post a day late. I'd like to be able to add a comment that hasn't already been said…At any rate, I was really rooting for your team. (Being objective, of course), I really thought your cake was the best of three stunning cakes. I loved the elegance when compared to the baby shower and birthday cakes. I can't help but think Norm excels at kissing up which prevents the cakes being judged fairly. As Gayla said earlier, I too, watched him doing the same on other challenges. You know, get the client to participate and then they feel they are a part of the creation… Apparently it works.
It was so much fun seeing you on TV! You guys did a fabulous job!
Hey Sharon, what a great cake. Y'all did such a beutiful job and looked like you had so much fun too. Not that I'm biased or anything:), I think y'all should have won. I was dissapointed in Norm's cake simply becuase he had used the chocolate curl technique in a challenge on the food network recently. I had already seen it.
Anyways, y'all did great, all the details were beutiful, and y'all managed your time really well. Congrats on a job well done!
The show was so much fun to watch. All of the cakes were beautiful, but I was really rooting for your team! =-)