Did you watch the show? Did you enjoy it?
I will have a full post up this weekend with all the juicy details and all the photos, but I want to address 2 things on last night’s show that were misleading.
First let me address this comment to my blog:
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post “Watch Teambito On Ultimate Cake Off Monday!“:
What a filthy mouth for such a family show. I will never watch when you are on this show again. Not just mild words but ones my kids could tell what you said even though they bleeped you out. went back and counted what was shown 49 bleeps must be some kind of record for family tv.
Dear Anonymous,
Knowing your name would be easier to address you, but since you chose not to stand behind your words, I will post my reply here:
The bleeping on the show was way overdone for what was reality. ( And I highly doubt 49)
1) I did say “shit” once which need to be bleeped.
2) When the fondant was tearing I said “It is tearing like a son of a —-” and I did NOT finish the sentence. I said nothing else despite how they made it look. They added a bleep there for drama.
3) When the pole would not go into the hole, I was very frustrated yes, and saying “friggit!”, not the other F word. IF you look at my lips you can see what I was saying. Again they added long bleeps for drama.
4) There were also bleeps added when my face was off screen and I was not even saying anything.
They apparently decided, that since I was feisty, showing a lot of emotion, and using “pseudo-cuss words” a few times, that they would go crazy with the editing and bleeping and make me look much worse than I really was.
Second issue:
During the skills test. I had not piped BC roses in about 20 years and I said so many times on camera. I also said that I knew mine were crappy, Pat’s were perfect, and she had it in the bag. What I actually said during my interview was “I felt confident that Pat won the skills test because BC roses are not my strength.” And they clearly edited my words to say: “I felt confident because BC roses are my strength”.
Folks, this is a semi scripted TV show, not a true cake competition. They make it look the way they want it to look. They took many shot of words and facial expressions for all 3 of us and inserted them out of context, to tell the story they wanted to tell.
That is TV. We signed a huge contracting waiving our rights to complain, and giving them freedom to edit us anyway that they wanted.
I am no angel, I do cuss at times, but I have more sense than to let it rip on national TV in prime time. I was using my arsenal of safe “ugly words”. Nothing other than the one “shit” did I say that really needed to be bleeped, but they saw the opportunity to create high drama, and did it at my expense.
Believe me if you wish; do not believe if you do not wish.
But I felt the need to clarify, and reiterate that things are almost always not as they seem on TV. Take it all with a grain of salt.
There, I have it off my chest, now back to the fun of caking!
I will put a full post up this weekend full of good stuff after I get my wedding order out the door.
Love you all,
Well said Sharon. I will say I still find it insane that they would portray their characters in such a non flattering light.
I think you were just fantastic!!
Obviously "Anonymous" has never met you or they would have Known that it was "show". While you are fiesty, you are not a potty mouth… Sheesh…somebody needs to take a breathe, and not believe everything they see on tv…chuckle…. 😉
I enjoyed the show very much and loved your cake – it was awesome even though you had to sit out twice!!! TV has a way of twisting things for the drama of it all – that's for sure! It's just a shame that they used you in that way – personally I've said much worse during cake mishaps. Some people just complain for the sake of complaining. Love your videos! 🙂
Hey Sharon, I don't usually watch that show, you can tell it's scripted, I only watched it in support of you, and I would do it again, you are amazing and don't let anyone tell you anything else. However, I am done with that show and all it's built up drama, the only drama I want to see in caking is in the design. Now where is my credit card so I can go buy me my Sheet Cake Secrets DVD!
This is part of my reply from the previous day's blog entry, but am reposting today too…
Other than that, who knows…. it's TV, it's REALITY TV. We have no idea why the editors/producers do what they do… nor do we have any control.
If you are oh SOOOO concerned with watching a "family show" you wouldn't have this network on while your kids are up anyway. Nor, had you ever tuned into the show with some of the previous contestants, would you have tuned in again to this particular show. Further, if you honestly think that things which appear to happen on a TV show, much less a reality TV show, are true to life, are not very "creatively" edited, are not changed to suit the wants and desires of the networks without any regard for the contestants and ONLY for the sake of ratings and drama, well, you've been hiding under a rock for way too long.
Perhaps your criticism would be more appropriately directed at a network who would make something SEEM "filthy" when in FACT, it was not… at least not according to the network precedence, nor the FCC.
I enjoyed watching you create that beautiful cake and was so disappointed that you didn't win! Anyone watching the show could see that the previews weren't accurate to what was actually going on, that they were staging things for whatever reason. ((Hugs)) You did great!!
Sharon, the bleeping and your mouth not moving in sync reminded me of those old Japanese Godzilla movies. I would also add that if the show is to be believed in its entirety then why haven't I seen the crashing cakes that never made it up the ramp in anything other than the previews? Keep your chin up and know that every now and again I need a censor while making cakes! Vicki 🙂
Sharon, you did great! I loved your cake. It's crazy how they edit the show like that.
Sharon, I just loved the show, and the cake was awesome — real perfection. You and the whole team were great.
As for saying an unseemly word or two, I've done that and worse when my cakes were acting up and I was under pressure. (I could have given that Tourette's guy a run for his money, LOL.)
Keep up the great work, and I can't wait to see you in another challenge! You'll win the next one.
Sharon, I think you are ***BLEEPING*** awesome! (Sorry, that was actually "friggit" in case you are worried I was really swearing) 😛
Love the post – loved the show!
Unfortunately, I do not have cable – so I missed it…..Maybe you could post the show on youtube??? I love your sense of blipping humor and your talent!!! You have taught me so many cake decorating skills and I am forever grateful!
You are a classy, sassy woman who shares so much of herself with all of us. I appreciate your candor and honesty and believe you handled your situation like a champ. If people don't want some drama, they should not watch "reality" television. Your cake and your team were clearly the best.
Sharon – there are many of us who love you just the way you are. I have family members who have been in the television production industry – and it's true… they "create" what they want us to see.
Aside from all the drama, the show was great and we're proud of you.
As far as I know, there is STILL only ONE who was ever perfect. (and none of us are "Him")
I can not believe you didn't win. Your cake was classy, neat as a pin, the colors were beautiful, the idea was brilliant. The winning cake was nice, but it looked like a holloween cake. Your a winner in my book. Great Job!!
Your cake was "bleeping" beautiful! You were the only one who actually incorporated all the colors! I can't "bleeping" believe they didn't "bleeping" let you "bleeping" win! "BLEEP!"
What a shame you were misrepresented. I guess they were just looking for a bit of drama. I hope your fans simmer down a bit and worry about more important things than a few cuss words!
Awe Sharon, you poor thing! I think you got the spot on the show because you are feisty (and an awesome cake decorator)…a great combination for this type of show. But I am sorry they portrayed you in this bad light. We still love you, no matter what. : ) I am glad you let us know though.
I had never watched the show, and watched only because I wanted to see you and your team. I actually smiled when you said whatever you said, because I was right in there with you…..saying it right along with you! LOL I simply CAN'T believe that you had to sit out twice! I felt myself really getting angry! LOL Your cake was absolutely the $10,000.00 cake. The winning cake, to me, looked cheap and creepy. Anyone that has ever had ANYTHING to do with the press knows well how they twist the truth! Good Luck…God Bless!
First, let me say that I didn't get to watch the show. (Can't get you in England, even on the Armed Forces Network 🙁 ) No matter how many bleeps, by now everyone should now that "reality" TV is anything but real. I'll bet the show was great, and we were cheering you from across the pond.
Hi Sharon! I watched and believe me, when I'm decorating cakes I don't want anyone near me because all I do is "cuss", lol…I think you did a tremendous job, it was a beautiful cake, so was the other one, but, I feel like she won for her lit trees. Just my opinion:) Anyhow, cuss away, I know I will!
Well I am sure "Anonymous" has watched many TV shows in which they BLEEP the entire show. We are all human and furthermore if she really knew you she would know how Kind and Sweet you are. I think you did well and we all know Reality shows are their for ratings so they do whatever they need to do to get them. "Anonymous" should have known better than to post her negative comment!!!!!
Wow! Now I know who thinks the Bachelor really falls in love, is buying the ShamWow late at night, idolizes Billy Mays, roots for the "good" guy on Survior and has a Magic Bullet sitting on their kitchen counter-Anonymous! Seriously honey, get over yourself. If you haven't figured on in the past 10 years that reality tv and tv in general isn't "real" your kids shouldn't be watching anyway! You have to be able to tell from reading this blog that that is not the Sharon Z we see with every post! Fiesty yes, dirty no!
Thanks for addressing this. I just happened to turn this on and saw you so I thought that I would watch.
I couldn't believe that you said that also! I turned to my husband and said can you believe that they showed that? It is a or I thought that it is a family show. Its to bad that they need that drama. I watch to see my favorite people create cakes. If the cakes turn out great if not its funny…but I don't need drama. Life is has enough of that..lol But only the ones doing these shows can contol the drama by maybe not signing away all of their rights. Thanks for hearing my thoughts on this and you are still great 🙂 (I cuss too…hehehe)
I love your blog and email updates and was so excited to see the show. Beeps or no beeps, I thought you and your team did an amazing job and considering you lost an hour of your day because of sitting out I thought you all stayed cool and composed. You did us proud!
I thought you were great!! I was cheering for you, escpecially when u had to sit out twice!!
And I know that when making cakes and especially when using fondant, everyone at sometime or another feels like cursing the head off, so I thought you were just being real.. too bad TLC had to over kill it.
My kids and I were cheering you on. We really wanted you to win. We didn't care too much for Pat's cake. I thought it was too dark. I love your blog and I love watching you compete.
I thought you did a great job and I love your cake MUCH more than the winning cake. I thought your cake was beautiful. I didn't think badly of you at all. The editing was obvious. Don't fret… I love the work you do. Go Sharon!
I thought you were great on the show. I actually thought youwere cussing and to me it made me think of you as a real person! Who doesnt cuss when they are frustrated? I know I do. Should I cuss? No, but do I? YES!!! It's reality TV so I think people should just chill out. They have to bleep you out for EVERYTHING!!!
Love ya,
Even if you were not edited, even if you actually DID say all those vile words, I would still love you as much as I do now for who you are…Fiesty, yes, competitive, yes, but also Generous, Talented, Kind, Hysterical, Creative, Compassionate and on and on. I was so rooting for you as was my little girl who loves your work and "I hope your cakes look like Miss Sharon's someday. Her cakes are way better than yours…no offense Mom"
You give me hope as I'm sure you do many other amateurs with a piping bag and a dream. I thought your cake was elegant and perfectly executed. Rock on Z!
I love you, loved the show, loved your cake! I could totally tell those were not the words you were saying. I said has much to my husband as we were watching. No matter what YOU DO YOU!!!!
Love ya!!
Sharon, unfortunately I missed the show, hate that I did since it appears that there were some high drama moments. I understand TV and the "choice" editing, I also understand the frustration that comes with decorating a cake, then you add additional pressure of a competition, it's becomes a recipe for a cuss word or two, maybe even three, just depends on the situation! Keep your chin up, love your work, love your creativity and love your fiesty attitude!!
Quick question, will it air again?? Would love to see the show.
We all love you Sharon – even though some of us don't know you personally we feel like we are a part of your life and will continue to cheer you on. I can't wait to see what your next DVD is – I love them!!!
Sharon, you rock. Bleeps and all! Very well said…
I thought you were " Bleeppppppppppppping" awesome! My daughter and I thought your cake was beautiful and we were upset that you did not win. I cant wait to see you again in the show..
Your cake was the winner in my book, Sharon, and anyone watching could tell they were bleeping you just for effect! Making you sit out twice!!! They were aware of what a fabulous cake decorator you are….scared of your talent, that's all!!!
Im glad you covered that, I thought it was a bit more "fiesty" than should be on TV, but with your explanation, I am a little sorry you had that one slip and gave them that chance to show you in a different light. You did an AMAZING job, it was your work to the T and you represented the South in a great cake !!
Sharon, I don't know you personally, but I feel like I do after our emails and your DVD's. I feel that the did not portray you very well, and I am disappointed in TLC. Your cake was very good, and I feel that you should have won. Keep your chin up!
She was concerned for her children……..ladies take a chill pill for heaven's sake. The bottom line…Sharon does have a potty mouth, I've read it in her blog posts. Go see for yourself.
All of you defending her probablly talk the same way…..so classy and such a shame. Sharon, you are terrific with cakes but clean up your act. I think you'd get more respect and glad someone finally spoke up.
Sharon, you were awesome! I was cheering you guys on the whole time! The cake was amazing and your whole team was amazing! Anyone should know that most "reality" shows are scripted.
I so wish I could have watched your show – I'm sure you and your team were fabulous. Any chance you could post the segment on youtube?
It never ceases to amaze me at people trying to push their holier than thou agenda on the rest of us…. but then, that they keep coming back for MORE! Hmmmmm…..
Potty mouth or not I still love ya! Your cake was by far my favorite, I cussed at the TV when you supposedly did, as well as had some choice words for the biotches when they sat you out. "Anonymous" needs to find something better to do than count the bleeps! I'm still and forever teambito!!
Congrats Teambito on an outstanding cake, it was breath taking beautiful!
RE: (About Filthy Mouth) I could see & tell Sharon said "friggit" and not the other word. I could also see that they were beeping when you weren't even speaking!
SHAME! on the editing department for the way they portray you, for ratings!
To Anonymous 9:42 am: "QUOTE" (All of you defending her probablly talk the same way) "UNQUOTE"
I for one do not cuss! (BUT Thanks for JUDGING me) and I will defend Sharon! The way the edit people protrayed Sharon on national TV was wrong!!!
What it all comes down to is a T.V. show will do what ever they want for ratings. If you don't like what is being showed or what your reading on a blog…then don't watch or read it! Ohh, and never say never…after all you might just watch it again so you can count beeps!.
I enjoy watching Sharon, Pat & Jan and seeing the beautiful cakes them & their teams did. They all worked very hard and had great cakes!
Keep Rockin Sharon!
Friggit: When you are too angry to speak clearly or want to get it out really quickly it is the two words friggin and idiot put together.
I have been making cakes for about seven years and I truly love it! Everytime I pick up a piping bag my husabnd says, "Watch out, the cuss words are about to start flying!" or "You are almost finished and I haven't heard you cuss yet!"
I can make a d… (bleep) (he he) good cake, but stay out of my kitchen when I'm doing it!
Hilarious! Oh, some people have too much time on their hands!
I loved the show!! It was obvious that you were not saying the words they made it out to be! As far as the anonymous posters, ignore them. "reality" tv is for drama. And like was said before, if you don't like what she has to say, stop reading the blog DUH!!! I'm so glad to know that you've never said a foul thing or made a slip up a day in your life….Geez Louise! Sharon YOU ROCK!!
Are Frig–t and s–t bad words. I use them too, ooo well; I thought you and the team were awesome. I actually said well s–t when your team didn't win…I did not see anything wrong with what you said or did. You are my cake guru..I never have watched this show and did this time because I wanted to support you just as you have supported all of us. Keep up the funny personality that you share so well with others…Love you and all you stand for.
Hey Sharon!
I think you and the girls did a great job! I thought for sure you were the winner. Pat had a nice cake but I really liked yours.
Boy did the channel do a great job with chopping up stuff or what? Buttercream roses… I looked at the TV twice. We all know you can but fondant is your thang… 🙂 LMAO at the cutting up of the words, your lips didn't say anything bleepable, I read 'em.
Anyhoo… finally an episode that i enjoyed. It was real with drama, character, and caking. You made the show my friend.
Great job and no matter what, be proud. All of you girls be proud, you did well.
And, for anyone who didn't like it, they could always have just changed the channel – unless the remote was stuck somewhere.
Kudos Valere – cake71
The show did not air when it was listed, but I caught it at midnight..It was great to see you in action..(other than on your awesome video's)
And the cake was stunning, elegant and classy..Would make any bride smile.
It re-aired the next day and even my 10yr old (who tells it like it is) said your cake was the best…Kuddos..you all did a fabulous job.
Sharon, sorry you were portrayed in a way that misrepresented you. To tell you the truth, I didn't think much of the bleeping, it made total sense to me. Next time do it in a different language…hahahahaha..
You know, I've been a fan of the cake competitions on TV but I have noticed that in the last few years even shows like Cake Challenge on the Food Network has started to edit its shows in a way that makes some of the decorators look rude, or cry babies, not to talk about the way Kerry Vincent comes across.
Anyway, your cake was gorgeous, very elegant and nicely executed.
I liked what you said about "liking" yourself..which is being true to yourself..a couple of times I said something and "dead" silence and/or the "cold" shoulder from supposedly "other cake decorators" who are supposed to my peers and if they didn't agree, they could have at least "said" something in the comment I made or emailed me privately.. Those are the ones I find more "questionable" than the person who said something which in their minds was "questionable".. I've learned many things from you, bought several of your DVDS but I must say, this was the best learning lesson ever.."be true to yourself".. As far as the cake..I loved the design..but I am "not" a fan of purple…but the bride requested it..(sigh)… I'm not understanding the fuss about swearing..it was "bleeped out"..
OMG, we loved watching you. It was even more fun because of the "connection" we have from follwoing your blog. It's a completely one-sided connection but we've never enjoyed UCO as much as we did this one! I'm a little disappointed you weren't swearing as much as it looked like because we were laughing our ~bleeps~ off every time the set went "BLEEEEP." We also preferred your cake to the other two. I'm a novice cake decorator and hope to someday be able to swear on TV too. (Kidding, I just like to swear in my kitchen.)
Sharon, I am so sorry that you have gone through so much crap since this show aired! Unbelievable that anyone would think such things of you, it's just not fair! What kind of society do we live in that someone would believe what they see on a reality tv show??? I know that you are not that kind of person that they portrayed you to be, you are very kind and passionate about what you do!
I loved your cake. I thought you should have won. I'm just not into alot of black on a wedding cake, so I didn't like the one that one.
I think you did a great job! Thank you for everything you've shared, and for your spunky personality…it makes learning more fun. It's a shame television always wants to portray people from the south negatively… they just don't know what they're missing!!!
Dear Sharon…99.9% of us totally love you and all the many talents you have!!! So don't let those .1% judgementally possessed people rattle you!!
hi sharon! hadnt had the chance yet to tell you- that i LOVED your appearance on ultimate cake! thankfully i tivo it because i had to rewind so many times.
you are a true artist and i adore your personality.
i cant believe you placed second with all the challanges you had a face. nothing against the cake that came in first, but come on two times sitting out and you cake was still amazing.
hope to see more of you on tv (not just on your dvd's that i have haha)
i didnt see a post on CC so i thought i would post here.
WTG zambito!
Sharon you are great and who cares what other people think. Even if anonymous doesn't cuss she/he sure isn't perfect and never will be. So that coward shouldn't judge people unless they have a strong shield to watch out for all the stones that's gonna fly their way too! Tv is crap and editor's and producers cut and add what they wish for drama and ratings. Keep going and never stop what you do I think you're fantastic in every way! I have all your dvd's and I can't wait to add more to my Zambito Cake DVD Library. I have becoem a beter cake decorator because of you.
We all Loved it Sharon. We is me and my boys! 13 , 11 and 9… My kids thought you were great and deserved to win! Keep being the Sharon we know and love and dont give a darn about the rest!! xoxox
That was the best UCO show, ever! Makes this non-pro cake artist feel good, that even pros like you have moments too! To me, you appeared as a fun, REAL southern gal…..Again, loved the show, thanks for sharing your love of Cake Art and renewing mine.
Big Fan of Yours! Martha
I'm not sure what this says about me, but I didn't even notice the bleeps! I was too wrapped up in what you were doing and not much in what you were saying beyond the real decorating information.
The cake was beautiful. I thought it was perfect. Thank you for posting so many pictures that let us see the details we missed on the show. I guess they were too busy adding invented drama to allow us to see the stuff that was truly interesting and inspiring.
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